and extended CONNALLY family members


GRAY GANDER, American Quarter Horse. 1819. (No photo available.)

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by James Conley.

BILL AUSTIN, American Quarter Horse. 1830. (No photo available.)

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by James Conley.

LONGFELLOW, American Quarter Horse. 1833. (No photo available.)

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by James Conley.


TELEMACHUS, American Quarter Horse. 1820 (No photo available.)

Boarded, Trained by James Conley.

RED MARIAH, American Quarter Horse. 1830. (No photo available.)

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by James Conley.

MOLLIE LONG, American Quarter Horse. 1835. (No photo available.)

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by James Conley.


John Connolly, a prolific horse breeder, bred a racehorse he named John Bascomb in honor of a Methodist clergyman of great renown. The Conleys held ‘revivalist’ meetings in forested areas, sometimes called ‘camp meetings’ wherein a multiple ministers with compelling oratorical skills would address crowds from wooden stands. Apparently, at camp meeting held on Connolly’s property, the Reverend John Bascombe was especially moving, as he spoke of the ‘Holy Ghost Spirit’ that each attendee should feel, even when away from the church. Attendees shouted in jubilation, prompting John Connally to name his new prized colt John Bascomb.

JOHN BASCOMB. American Quarter Horse. 1835. (No photo available. Bred, Trained, Boarded by James Conley. (Painted by Edward Troye. The painting is currently on loan from Yale and on display at the Museum of Racing in Saratoga Springs, New York.)

American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine. July 1836, American Periodicals Series Online, pg. 305

The Huntsville-bred horse enjoyed a string of victories. Most notably, John Bascomb was sent to New York to race Post Boy, an unbeaten dark chestnut from New York at the Union Race Course on Long Island. In what would become one of the most celebrated horse races of the nineteenth century, the contest began, as one poet remember, as “the drum was sounded by the judge . . . Bascomb won the first and second heat. . . taking in the knowing Northerners by the witty minded Southerners.” Southerners rejoiced at the victory, and the horse John Bascomb returned to the South amid great fanfare.


Essie Ballard Sitgraves is one the most celebrated figures of the extended Conley Family’s legacy in the equestrian world. She owned, bred and trained thoroughbred racehorses with her husband with great success throughout Kentucky.

Essie grew up in Madison County, Alabama at the very end of the Alabama's prominence in the horse world, as Kentucky and Florida began to dominate. Essie moved to Louisville, married Carl Sitgraves, then made history.

Essie & Carl began humbly, maintaining horses, even mucking stalls together. They would eventually buy and train their own thoroughbred horses, as a husband and wife team, with Essie’s competitive personality lifting them into the upper echelons of the equestrian world. Essie Ballard Sitgraves was a successful female owner and breeder from World War 2 era, but it cannot be understated that, as a Black American woman, her career in horse breeding was nothing less than groundbreaking.

REGARDS, American Thoroughbred. 1936

Bred and Owned by Essie Ballard Sitgraves. Trained by husband Carl Sitgraves.



SYNDICATE, American Thoroughbred. 1936

Bred and Owned by Essie Ballard Sitgraves. Trained by husband Carl Sitgraves.

Syndicate - Conley Equestrian Tradition

DADDY’S, American Thoroughbred. 1936

Trained by Carl Sitgraves.


BODINI, 1968




WC FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH presented by Michele Davis Macfarlane.


Quite possibly the most well-known Pinto Saddlebred in the world. Bred, Trained, Boarded by Mother/Daughter/Father trio: Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Michelle Davis Macfarlane, Everett Conley Davis.

BRED, TRAINED, SHOWN by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis.

1975 - 1995

CH ARIETTA, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH SNOW SUMMIT, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH BLUSTERY, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH NOBODY’S BUSINESS, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH HANDSOME JACK, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH UNEXPECTED TURBULENCE, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH CINEMA, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

RWC CH SNOW BERRIES, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH LILY MYSTIQUE, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

WCC LIKE THUNDER, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH EPIC, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

WCC CH THE FIRE FOX, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

WC CH DILETTANTE, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

RWC CH SNOW FOOLING, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis


CH MALIBU, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

RWC CH WYSTERIA, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

RWC CH SAHARA SWEETHEART, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH TRAPEZE, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH NONCHALANT, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis


CH COOKIE CUTTER, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH BLITZ, American Saddlebred Horse

Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis


CH Gifted Dancer - Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis

CH DRAGON SLAYER - Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis


CH VERMILLION - Bred, Boarded, and Trained by Michele Davis Macfarlane, Ellen Browning Scripps Davis, Everett Conley Davis